9 Best Tactics For Writing Abandoned Cart Email Subject Lines

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Almost any online business knows that abandoned carts represent a frustrating, expensive situation. This is because abandoned-cart visitors usually add less than 10% of the potential order value to their carts before leaving. The good news is you can turn these valuable customers into your new repeat customer by sending abandoned-cart email campaigns. Here are 9 tips to make yours awesome!

The Cost of Missing One Sale

When a customer abandons their cart, it represents a missed opportunity for your business. Not only do you lose out on the sale of that particular product, but you also miss out on the chance to build a relationship with that customer. In addition, abandoned carts can negatively impact your conversion rate and your overall revenue.

That’s why it’s so important to have an effective abandoned cart email strategy in place. The subject line of your abandoned cart email is critical in getting customers to open and engage with your message. Here are some tips for writing abandoned cart email subject lines that will get results:

1. Include the word “abandoned” in the subject line

If you’re sending an email to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts, it’s important to include the word “abandoned” in the subject line. This will let the customer know what the email is about and help them decide whether to open it. In addition, you need to make sure you include the item or items that were left in the cart in the content of the email. This will remind the customer of what they were interested in and encourage them to come back to your website to complete their purchase.

2. Create a sense of urgency

Urgency is key when it comes to abandoned cart emails. People need to feel like they need to act fast in order to take advantage of your offer, including phrases like “Hurry, limited, don’t miss out, Last chance or act now” to encourage customers to take action immediately. Including a time limit in the subject line can also be effective. For example, you could use a subject line like “Your cart expires in 24 hours!” to create a sense of urgency.

When someone abandons their cart, it’s important to use language that will prompt them to take action right away.

3. Personalize the subject line

Adding a personal touch to the subject line can make your email stand out and increase the chances of it being opened. Try including the customer’s name or a specific item they were interested in. Personalization can go a long way in increasing the chances that your email will be opened and read. You could also include other information like their order total or what items are in their cart.

4. Use a call to action

Call to action in Abandoned Cart Email Subject Lines

Your subject line should include a call to action that encourages the reader to complete their purchase. Some examples of effective calls to action are “Click here to finish your purchase” or “Complete your order now.”

Overall, a call to action and an incentive are both good things to include in an abandoned cart email subject line. Including one or both of these elements can increase the chances that the email will be opened and that the recipient will take action.

5. Offer a discount

Offer discount in Abandoned Cart Email Subject Lines

Including a discount in your subject line is a great way to motivate people to complete their purchases. Try offering a percentage of their total order or a specific dollar amount. This can be a percentage off the order, free shipping, or another type of discount. Including a discount code or other incentive in the subject line can also encourage recipients to open and take action on the email. Something like “10% off your order!” or “Free shipping on your purchase!” can be effective in getting recipients to complete their purchases.

6. Keep it short

Keep your subject line short and to the point. People are more likely to open an email with a subject line that is only a few words long. According to Litmus, “45% of email users open an email based on the subject line alone.” So, it’s pretty important to make sure your subject lines are effective in order to get people to actually open and read your emails.

7. Use descriptive keywords

When someone abandons their cart, they probably have a specific reason why. Use keywords in your subject line that describe what they were looking for. For example, “Did you forget something?” or “We noticed you left this behind…”

8. Use emojis

Use emojis in Abandoned Cart Email Subject Lines

Emojis can be a great way to grab attention in an email subject line. They can help to convey the tone of the message and make it more eye-catching. Just be sure to use them sparingly and only use relevant ones that will add to the message, not take away from it.

9. Use positive words

When it comes to abandoned cart email subject lines, positive words can be your best friend. Words like “free,” “sale,” and “discount” can grab attention and entice people to open your email. You can also use personalization to add a sense of urgency. For example, you could say “Don’t miss your chance to save!” or “Your cart is waiting for you!”


Abandoned cart emails are a powerful tool for getting customers to come back and finish their purchases. But with so many abandoned cart emails vying for attention in customers’ inboxes, it’s more important than ever to have an attention-grabbing subject line. These tips will help you write persuasive email subject lines that get results.