16 Actionable Email Marketing Tips That Work

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If you’re not using email marketing, you’re missing out. The most effective way to connect with customers and build relationships is through email. Here are 16 actionable tips to help your email marketing campaign succeed.

1 – Use a Real Person’s Name in the Sender Field

Using the recipient’s name in Email Marketing

Email marketers are always looking for ways to increase their ROI. One way to do this is to use real people’s names in the sender field of your email marketing campaigns.

Information about your recipients will be more personal and likely to persuade them to take action, such as signing up for your mailing list or clicking through to a landing page. According to a report, using the recipient’s name is most popular tip among email marketers.

Here are a few tips for including real people’s names in your email campaigns:

1. Make sure you have the correct information about your recipients. Include their full name, address, and phone number in the recipient fields of your campaign emails. This will help you better connect with them and ensure they receive the message correctly.
2. Use picture verification tools if possible. These technologies can help you verify your recipients’ identities before emailing them.

2 – Use Power Words

It’s important to use powerful words in your email marketing campaigns to grab attention. This will help you stand out from the competition and ultimately increase your chances of convincing someone to open and read your message.

There are several benefits to using powerful words in your email marketing, including lead generation, conversion, activation, etc. Choose the right ones for your business and optimize your email content today!

If you’re unsure which Power Words to use in your email marketing campaign, you can get some ideas from this amazing list.

Either way, ensure you’re targeting relevant people and businesses with your emails to increase engagement and results.

3 – Create a Curiosity Gap

There are two types of people in the world: those who love to learn and those who don’t. The ones who love to learn are the curious types.

They’re always looking for new information, insights, and ideas. And that’s precisely what makes them great email subscribers.

The best way to reach curious email subscribers is by creating a curiosity gap. That means creating content different from what they’re used to seeing from your brand. It might be controversial or off-the-wall, but it needs to be interesting enough for them to want to read it. An article from Coschedule explains the psychology of curiosity gaps in your email marketing.

Once you’ve created a curiosity gap, you must keep it alive by regularly providing fresh and exciting content. This way, you’ll not only keep your subscribers interested, but you’ll also earn their trust and respect as a credible source of information.

4 – Never Use All-Caps

When writing an email, it is essential to use proper grammar and punctuation. One common mistake is using all-caps letters for emphasis.

This can look amateurish and may not be taken seriously by your recipients.

Generally, it is best to use lowercase letters for standard text and capital letters for headings or other particular instances.

5 – Experiment With Emojis

Use emojis when you want to inject some personality into your email. For example, use a smiley face when you want to convey that you’re happy to hear from the recipient, or use an angry face when you want to tell them that you’re not happy with their reply.

Use emojis when you want to emphasize specific points in your email. For example, use an exclamation point next to the subject line of an email if you want the recipient to take notice immediately.

6 – Keep It Brief

Keeping your email marketing message brief can help you focus on your key points and achieve the desired results. By keeping your message concise, you can avoid tedious or confusing recipients and increase the chances of receiving a response.

Here are some tips to help you stay on point:

1) Stick to one topic. When writing an email, focus on one central point or issue. This will make it easier for recipients to understand and respond to your message.
2) Keep your language simple. Make sure your words are easy for recipients to understand and remember. Avoid complicated grammar and syntax, which can confound readers.
3) Be concise. Avoid going into great detail in your messages; keep them short and sweet. This will make them more likely to be read and responded to.
4) Use active voice verbs when possible.

7 – Include One CTA

CTA’s (click-throughs) are one of the most effective ways to increase email engagement and drive more leads through your email campaigns. Including a CTA within your email content can encourage your readers to take immediate action by clicking on the link.

Some popular CTA’s include a signup form, a downloadable white paper, and a giveaway. By adding a CTA to your emails, you can ensure that you are capturing as many leads as possible.

8 – Offer Something Valuable

You can do a few things to make your email marketing effective. One of the most important is to offer something valuable to your recipients.

This can be anything from a free bonus ebook to a discount on your next purchase. Offering something valuable will increase the chances that people will open and read your emails.

9 – Sell Benefits, Not Features

Start with a customer persona. When designing your email content and campaigns, consider your target market and what they want from you. This will help you create messages that resonate with them and encourage them to take action.

Create visuals that support your messaging. If your email content is focused on benefits rather than features, include visuals that help illustrate your points (images, infographics, videos). This will help persuade readers to take action and potentially make a purchase.

10 – Don’t Pay For Lists

Don’t pay for email lists. Lists can be expensive, and you may not get the quality of the list you expect. Consider building your list by offering free stuff. Read: 3 Steps to Your First (Or Next) 1,000 Email Subscribers.

11 – Use Mobile-Friendly Design

Email marketing is a great way to connect with potential customers and engage them in a conversation.

However, if your email recipients are using mobile devices, it can be challenging for you to capture their attention.

Here are some tips for making your email marketing more mobile-friendly:

1. Use large text sizes. Not all mobile devices have large font capabilities, so make sure your text is easy to read on smaller screens.
2. Use boldface and italics to emphasize important points. This will help readers see the information at a glance and focus on the content they’re interested in.
3. Use images that are easily sharable or embeddable. Including photos helps people remember what they saw and makes it easier for them to share your message with others.
4. Use short paragraphs and bullet points to keep things simple and organized.

12 – Send Email at the Best Times for Most Opens and Clicks

Sending an email at the best times for most opens and clicks is a key part of effective email marketing. According to OptinMonster, perfect timing can greatly affect your email campaign’s open and click-through rates.

There are several factors to consider when determining the best time to send an email, including the recipient’s activity and location.

By understanding these factors, you can create more effective email campaigns to reach your target audience and increase engagement rates.

Remember that not all recipients are always active, so it’s essential to vary your timing based on individual recipient behavior.

Following these tips can put your email marketing strategy on solid ground and achieve the desired results!

13 – Manage Your Email Marketing Schedule on a Calendar

Set a daily or weekly schedule for reviewing and responding to email messages. This way, you’ll be more likely to respond to customer inquiries promptly.

This also helps you avoid becoming overwhelmed with messages, which could lead to poor customer service experiences.

Track which campaigns are performing best and adjust your strategies accordingly. For example, consider adapting the message or targeting different demographics if a specific email campaign results in high open rates but low click rates.

14 – Add Whitelisting Instructions to Your Emails

If you want to increase your email open rates, consider including whitelisting instructions in your emails.

Whitelisting allows subscribers to receive specific types of emails from you.

This can help you avoid spam and focus your email marketing efforts on those who are interested in what you have to offer.

Here are some tips for creating effective whitelisting instructions:

1. Make sure that all email addresses receiving whitelisting instructions are included in your email list.
2. Clearly state which types of emails the recipient can receive. This includes both content and subject lines.
3. Be concise and clear about why recipients should accept the invitation to whitelist themselves. Include a short explanation or image if necessary.
4. Keep the invite short and sweet – no more than one sentence long is ideal.

15 – Mention Subscriber Count to Leverage Social Proof

Use statistics to prove the efficacy of your message. An excellent way to do this is to point out how many subscribers you have or how much money you’ve raised for a specific cause through your email list.

This shows that your message is popular and effective, encouraging people to sign up for your list.

Subscriber Count

Use testimonials and endorsement messages. People are more likely to trust messages from people they know and trust, such as friends or family members.

16 – Add an Email Signup Link to Your Website Footer

Adding an email signup link to your website footer can help you increase your email list.

Email Signup Link to Your Website Footer

Not only will this provide you with new subscribers, but it can also help you better track and measure your success with email marketing.

1. Decide what type of signup form you want to use. Several options are available, including a simple text field or a more elaborate form that allows users to input their name, email address, and other contact information.
2. Create a separate page for the signup form. This way, visitors will know where to find it and won’t be distracted by other content on your website.
3. Include instructions on how to complete the form.

Final Words

These 16 actionable email marketing tips can help you identify the best ways to reach your target audience, generate leads, and build your business. So don’t wait any longer- start implementing these tips today!